Share the Plate for September 1st

So What Else

Starting off September our Share the Plate partner is So What Else, a non-profit that serves to improve the lives of children and families in underserved communities throughout the Baltimore and Washington Metro areas. So What Else provides food security, basic necessities, and out-of-school programs in literacy, athletics and the visual and performing arts.

So What Else’s mission is to “pay forward” and deliver programs and opportunities with respect, empathy and humility.  They are particularly committed to supporting a healthy environment through food recovery and environmental educational programs.  Relying on food donations as well as monetary contributions and grants, So What Else meets a critical retail need for food and household products. 

Of particular significance to the UUCR Community, So What Else sponsors a food pantry and thrift store in Montgomery County that hosts both pop-up distributions and home deliveries across the Washington Metro area, as well as a diaper distribution program that serves newborn and very young children throughout the region.  

As you are willing and able, we invite you to generously support So What Else.

First Sunday Food Drive

Manna Food Center

Help support UUCR's program to reduce food insecurity in Montgomery County by bringing canned food items on Sunday, September 1st, for our monthly food drive for Manna Food Center!

Please bring one or more non-perishable foods that we'll donate to Manna Food Center  for local distribution.  Any and all donations are valued and welcome (no glass containers, please).  Collection bins are in UUCR's lobby off the courtyard entrance and outside the sanctuary doors. 

Thousands of families in Montgomery County don't have enough food to eat and turn to food pantries for support. Our local pantries are struggling to keep up with the rising demand and need community support.  Let's all pitch in and help as we can! Thank you!

School Supply Drive

SCHOOL SUPPLY DRIVE to nurture learners in our community! Collection boxes will be available through September 8. Your donations of NEW school supplies will be delivered to Interfaith Works for distribution. This is a great way for children to develop empathy as they can strongly relate to other learners. The most needed supplies are:

Collage Item Collection

All congregants of all ages! To honor our Soul Matters Themes throughout this year, we have an exciting art project underway! We will be creating collaborative collages that represent what the Soul Matters themes mean to all of us!  We would love for everyone, friends and members, young and young-at-heart, to participate in this project!

What we are asking of you

What we need to begin is items to collage. These can be magazine clippings, newspaper clippings, copies of photographs, articles - any flat words or imagery that YOU connect with each month's theme.

How can you participate?

We will have a basket in the Corridor each Sunday that is labeled "Soul Matters Collage Donations" - please bring those items that represent the monthly theme to you to drop into the basket. You are more than welcome to bring more than one! Each month the theme will change, and we'd love your participation throughout the year.

The theme for September is: INVITATION

If you'd like more information, please contact Lara Klopp.