Social Justice at UUCR
Social Justice is a vital part of the mission of our congregation, leading, supporting, and engaging the congregation on social justice concerns, providing tangible ways to live our Unitarian Universalist principles in the community and the world.
Read the Social Justice Committee's 2023-24 Annual Report (begins on Page 35).
For more information, contact
Action Alerts
Community Partner Requests
SAMU First Response: the SAMU Foundation needs winter clothing in all sizes for immigrants. They now have a large bin outside the shelter so you can drop it off anytime.
Community Reach is in need of friendly callers to check in regularly with their senior clients to see how they are doing and if they need anything. Community Reach also is in need of a Program Evaluator. Someone who has experience in this area, and can evaluate some of their programs, specifically in housing.
New Neighbors Interfaith Alliance
NNIA is being approached by various Social Service agencies to assist in outfitting apartments for newly arrived refugee families from multiple countries. All items should be either new or in good – excellent condition. Click here for more information on how to Donate.
First Sunday Food Drive
Help support UUCR's program to reduce food insecurity in Montgomery County by bringing canned food items for our monthly food drive for Manna Food Center!
Please bring one or more non-perishable foods that we'll donate to Manna Food Center for local distribution. Any and all donations are valued and welcome (no glass containers, please). Collection bins are in UUCR's lobby off the courtyard entrance and outside the sanctuary doors.
Thousands of families in Montgomery County don't have enough food to eat and turn to food pantries for support. Our local pantries are struggling to keep up with the rising demand and need community support. Let's all pitch in and help as we can!