UUCR the Vote

UUCR The Vote, working through a partnership with the national UU The Vote and the Center for Common Ground, provides a meaningful way for congregants to promote democratic values and engage in nonpartisan get-out-the-vote efforts. UUCR’s Social Justice Committee and the Share the Plate program provides funding to offset the cost of postcards, stamps and other basic supplies. Using voter lists and scripts provided by the Center for Common Ground’s Reclaim Our Vote (ROV) campaigns, congregants contact registered voters in target states, informing marginalized people about issues at stake in their state’s election and how to obtain more information about voting in their specific counties. Contact: vote@uucr.org 

Upcoming Action Alert

Maryland UUs are working together!

A new coalition of 10 UU congregations is exploring ways to strengthen get-out-the-vote efforts in Maryland by sharing ideas, voter outreach opportunities, and message strategies. We’re working closely with the UU Legislative Ministry of Maryland and seeking to join forces with the League of Women Voters, Casa, and other groups.

First joint activity: Training to be a volunteer Voter Registrar. (free)

July 17 — 7:00—8:00 pm Join other UUs across Maryland to be trained on how to register people to vote. Once trained you can work at any voter registration booth in Maryland.    Zoom access link