LGBTQ+ Task Force

The LGBTQ+ Task Force focuses on the issues surrounding the queer community both within and outside of our congregation. In 2023, the Task Force’s main focus was renewing UUCR’s Welcoming Congregation certification. This involved recognizing various important dates and events in queer culture, dedicating some portions of a few services to queer rights issues, and hosting an allyship seminar in 2023. The necessary tasks were successfully completed, and UUCR’s certification was renewed. 

The Task Force encouraged UUCR’s presence in the 2023 Capital Pride parade, marching with PFLAG after they generously asked us to march with them. Plans are underway with other UU congregations in the DMV area to have a large, combined UU presence in the June 2024 Capital Pride parade. In 2024, the Task Force helped host Gwen Anderson’s trans-focused Becoming Ourselves photo exhibit and related service activities for Trans Day of Visibility. Brainstorming is underway to both improve the welcoming nature of UUCR for its queer brethren, as well as find ways to engage in social activism in our greater community.