Children & Youth

The Mission of UUCR's Children & Youth program is to nurture the awakening of our children and youth's minds, hearts, and souls, deepen their compassion, and help them to make choices guided by our Unitarian Universalist principles and values.

We offer multiple types of programming for Children and Youth each month:

This Sunday

November 10, 2024

This Sunday is a First Fifteen (FF) Sunday. Children and Youth will start off in the Sanctuary with their families 

before leaving for their Religious Exploration classes. 

If you arrive late, not to worry! Our Ushers and Greeters will be able to direct you and your Youth to the correct room(s). 

Parent should pick up their youth from the classrooms, unless otherwise stated by UUCR Staff.

Children and Youth Classes

2024 - 2025

Note: All classes below meet during Sunday Service

This year's classes at every grade level will explore the congregation's monthly spiritual themes, following the "Soul Matters" curriculum. In reflection and conversation of these big ideas, children express their wonderings, and experience wonder in ways that open minds, hearts, and spirits. These seemingly abstract themes are as central to the lives of children as they are to all of us.

Nursery & Childcare (Ages 0-4)

Nursery Childcare is provided each Sunday by our childcare staff for children ages 0-4.  Another option for parents with young children is the Wiggle Room at the back of the sanctuary. When you arrive on Sundays, ask an Usher or a Greeter to guide you to the Wiggle Room. There's a window that shows the main Sanctuary, as well as a speaker so you can still know what's happening during the service!

Children (Ages 5-11)

Children share, listen, play and create as they explore the big questions of life through the lens of our UU Values and Principles, always beginning and ending with their own hearts and minds.  They learn from the wisdom stories of many religious traditions, science, and true stories of people making a difference.  They make friends and find a community beyond their home and school.  

Middle School Youth 

(6th to 8th Grades)

Middle school youth are ready to think and learn about themselves and their UU faith in the context of other religious traditions and the larger culture.  They engage in social action, earning some Student Service Learning credits along the way.  They will visit a variety of other local faith communities as they learn about, and from, the world's religions, youth visit many other local faith communities.

Our "Coming of Age" program is a milestone year for 8th Graders. Participants delve into the history and theology of Unitarian Universalism.  They travel together to Boston to explore our religious heritage, and the current headquarters. In the closing ceremony during worship each participant in the class shares a personal statement of faith with the congregation.

High School Youth (9th to 12th Grades)

High school youth participate in shaping their own program to explore topics of interest to them.  They engage in social action projects of their own and with the congregation.  Youth group activities, and especially overnight retreats, are popular events.

One highlight of the year is planning and leading a worship service for the congregation.