Plogging/Trail Clean Up in Rockville

Sunday, April 7, 11:45 am-1 pm in the central courtyard

We’ll be cleaning up trash and going for a walk, what’s not to love? Gloves, trash bags, and a limited number of trash grabbers will be provided. RSVPs are welcome. 

Shady Grove Recycling Center Tour

Friday, April 12, 10:45 am - 12pm at the Shady Grove Recycling Center

RSVP required by April 5 to tour the Shady Grove Recycling Center. 

Flower Bed Landscaping

Saturday, April 13, 8am – 10:30am starting in the central courtyard

Help us plant flowers in UUCR’s gardens! Wear clothes that can get dirty. Some light weeding will be involved as well. Small garden tools and  RSVPs welcome. 

Bike Ride and Safety Check

Sunday, April 14, 11:30am-12:30pm in the parking Lot

Ride your bike to UUCR! Volunteers from the Rockville Bike Hub will watch over bicycles during the service and go over an equipment safety check following the service. Please wear a helmet! RSVPs welcome. 

Earth Day Vegan Potluck and Discussion on Diet and Environment

Sunday, April 21, 12pm-1pm in Founders Hall

Join us in celebrating Earth Day with your favorite plant-based dish! Please bring serving utensils and full recipes if possible to display next to your dish so others may take photos of the recipe to recreate. Please avoid animal-based ingredients (meat, cheese, animal butter, other dairy, eggs, etc). If you are interested in some easy recipe ideas, check out THESE RECIPES or THESE ONES, or how about some MORE RECIPES. Fresh fruit, veggies, and hummus are also great easy options. During lunch, Nick Warren and Rev. Rebekah will lead a discussion on the intersection of diet and environment! Please sign up, we also are looking for volunteers to help with setup and clean up. 

Native Plant Sale Pick Up

Sunday, April 21, 11:30am-1:30pm in the central courtyard

Pack 493 is selling native plants as a fundraiser and is organizing a pick up location at UUCR on Earth Day! Learn more

UUCR is the Charter Organization of Pack 493. While we support this individual Pack, UUCR continues to be deeply troubled by certain, harmful historical practices and norms of Scouts BSA and we are committed to the continued transformation of these aspects of Scouts BSA culture. UUCR values equity, justice, generosity, interdependence, pluralism, and transformation as spiritual practices and values expressed through love. UUCR is committed to ensuring that our UU principles and values are fully integrated into the culture of Pack 493.

Earth Day Invasive Species Removal

Sunday, April 21, 1:15-3pm starting near the fire pit gazebo

Wear clothes that can get dirty! Please bring gardening gloves and buckets to help us make life easier for native plants and animals by removing invasive species. The easiest species we will be focusing on is garlic mustard which is super easy to pull out of the ground. Please RSVP, we are looking for team leaders who have experience with invasive species removal. 

Montgomery County GreenFest

Saturday, April 27, 11am-4pm at the Blackrock Center for the Arts in Germantown, MD

GreenFest is a great event organized by local governments and organizations to showcase all of the wonderful environmental work in our area! Meet others in our community passionate about the environment.